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Home on the Road: Tips to Make Your RV Homier

Home on the Road: Tips to Make Your RV Homier

Put your heart into your RV

When you first lay eyes on your RV, your mind already starts planning all the places you’ll visit, the people you’ll meet, and the new life you’ll lead. When you step into your RV, a sense of excitement comes over you because this represents the new start you’ve been looking for. This is a new home that you can sink into. You can nap on the road, listening to the rain pour down around you and cars passing you on the interstate. You can settle at a park and wake each morning to the sounds of nature knowing the day will be filled with great activities and amazing memories. You can’t help but feel that this RV is an extension of yourself.

But as the months pass, something shifts. The manufactured feel of the RV has voided it of all character. The charm of the road still lives in you, but the RV no longer feels like an extension of you because it lacks the trappings that reflect your unique personality.

Personalizing your RV by adding little touches can close the yawning gap you feel opening between you and your rig.

Start with the walls

Painting your RV walls is up there on our list of making it feel like home. When choosing paint for your RV, there are a few things you should consider beyond what color you love. What room are you painting? What is the feeling you want to convey? If you want calming spaces, blue works wonders. If it’s a place of higher energy, like the kitchen and dining room, you may want to choose brighter colors to improve your mood.

Decorate your walls with paintings, pictures, or even a collage of landmarks you’ve visited along the way. Make this a centerpiece or hang it on the larger wall and you’ll have a collection of memories and your favorite settings to remind you every day of what’s important to you and what you share with your RV.

Changing the curtains adds a touch of flair and gives you a space that feels personalized. If privacy and light are a worry for you, add blinds or shades you can shut when you need a break from the sights or neighbors at the RV park.

Eye-catching tweaks

The next time you’re walking through a department store, take a look at their area rugs. Adding a rug to the floor can help you insulate your RV as well as add emotional comfort. Area rugs work well in kitchens to cushion the feet.

Plants help you bring the wilderness inside as well as improve air quality. The great thing about plants is you don’t have to use countertops or stands to display them. If you hang plants, you’re taking advantage of space that’s unused without adding clutter.

Lighting is often a personal choice, so it’s an effective way of adding personality. You can use lamps on stands for ambiance, fairy lights around the bedroom for a hint of whimsy, or even change out the fixtures that came with your RV.

Not in love with it? Change it!

Couches and upholstery in an RV can start to feel like you’re staying in an old hotel – it’s outdated! You can get rid of the sterile feel by using slipcovers or tackling a weekend DIY project and reupholster! Reupholstering gives you complete control over fabrics and colors that resonate with you.

Plumbing fixtures are another thing you can change. They may not be something you notice all the time, but if you don’t love the way they look, it will always be on your mind. Fixtures are varying so you can spice up your kitchen and bathroom with brushed nickel or copper as you see fit!

Add accents to your bed, couch, or table. This can be a bowl of fruit on the table, a throw blanket on the couch, or accent pillows on the bed. Pops of color will entice the mind and make it feel like you’re stepping into a house rather than an RV.

We’re well aware that space is limited in an RV. Making small changes to personalize your RV works well with the limited space because it allows you to lift your spirits and introduce new points of interest in your RV without taking up a lot of room to do so.

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Home on the Road: Tips to Make Your RV Homier

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Home on the Road: Tips to Make Your RV Homier

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