Alone in the woods
Maybe all your friends were busy, and none of them could go camping with you. Maybe you wanted some alone time and to commune with nature on your own. Maybe you’re an introvert, and doing things by yourself is how you roll. There are many reasons you could find yourself alone in the woods, enjoying the sounds and sights of nature in your own company, but you should still go prepared for what you may come up against when you’re on your own.
Tell people where you’re going
Sure, you may love to wander off on your own and vanish into the woods from time to time, but it’s not something you should do. There are a host of things that could go wrong in the blink of an eye, and if no one knows where you’re going or where you’re at, then no one will know where to look for you. And telling people you’re going camping isn’t good enough; be sure to tell people the exact place you’re going. Give them the name of the campgrounds or woods, and more specifically, tell them the GPS coordinates if you know them. Tell people what you’ll be doing and where you’ll be going if you plan on hiking alone, especially if you’ve never been hiking before.
Be calm
If you’ve never gone camping alone, then you’re in for an interesting time. When you have someone else with you, then you have someone there to take your mind off things. Another person adds a nice sense of protection you simply won’t have if you’re camping alone. Bumps and shadows may look like giant beasts coming for your tent. There are a lot of dangers in the woods that are easier to manage if there’s more than one person going along. What if you get worked up and start acting erratically? You could seriously hurt yourself, and then you’d be stuck until help came to find you. Take a deep breath, relax, and don’t get yourself worked up.
Go for more than a couple of nights
The first night will be scary. The second night or so will be uncomfortable. A few nights in, you’ll feel at ease and perfectly content camping on your own. But you have to give yourself a few nights to adjust to how different it is camping on your own rather than in a group. Be sure to bring along entertainment and things to amuse yourself so you don’t get bored. Plan meals you enjoy and activities you know will occupy your mind and your time. Don’t just loaf around your campsite feeling completely alone – that will make you want to leave the woods more than feeling scared.
Stay close to home
This one is fairly simple: the closer you are to home, the better you’ll know the area. You’ll be more familiar with the lay of the land, the animals, and the sounds that will greet you. If something goes wrong, it’s not that far to bail out and head home. And if something goes wrong, you’re not so far that help can’t easily reach you.
Don’t jump right in
Work yourself up to it. Maybe spend several hours a day in the location where you’re going, taking in the sights and sounds so you can easily identify what you’re hearing and seeing. Stay later into the evening so you can experience what it will be like when the sun goes down. If you jump the gun and dive right into the camping trip, then you could be setting yourself up for failure.
Camping is an amazing experience to share with others, but it’s also an amazing solo experience. On our blog, we share many tips for camping and hiking that can be tailored to fit a solo adventure. Take a look at our articles to see which ones will help you the most when it comes to your new passion for solo camping!