All those hours and nothing to do
Boredom can set in easily when we’re on a road trip, and it can be upsetting. We’ve spent so much time being excited about getting out on the road, and now we’re there, and we’re bored. How can that happen? How can we be bored when we’re living the dream? Trust us – it happens. But part of living the dream is experiencing everything there is to do along the way, so why not get started on some road fun?
Find your quiet place
Assuming you’re not on navigation duty at the time, take a few moments for yourself. You likely have a hobby you love doing, so find a location in the RV where you can have some quiet time to indulge in it. Often the repetitive motion of an RV can help calm your mind and put you at ease, allowing you to focus more of your attention on what you’re doing.
Similar to finding a quiet place around you, find a quiet place inside you. Meditating is easy when you’re peering out the window; the trick is not to focus your eyes on anything in particular. Just let the scenery flow by without paying close attention. Focus on your breath until your inhales and exhales are of equal lengths, and let your thoughts go as easily as they come to you.
Play some games
Whether it’s games on your phone or board games that don’t necessarily require a board – we’re looking at you, Trivial Pursuit – long stretches of road are great for gaming. If you have children along for the ride, try engaging them in the game as well, or have them fire up their console game and play a few rounds with them.
Start a travel journal
Depending on how public you want your travel adventures to be, you could start work on a travel blog. The good thing about journaling rather than blogging is that you can write down your own personal thoughts and not worry that other people are going to be reading them.
Get an audiobook subscription
If reading makes you carsick, and you want to share a story with your family, then an audiobook is the way to go. Find one that everyone can agree on, and settle in for a great adventure. The great thing about audiobooks is that they encourage conversation. You can talk about your favorite characters, your favorite parts, how much you loathe the bad guy, and so on. When the book is done, go around the group and discuss your thoughts.
Work out
Set up a workout routine that you can do in the limited space within your RV. Many exercises don’t require special equipment to do; all you need is your body and gravity. Set a fitness goal for yourself, and figure out how best to reach it. Have fun with it. Find exercises that are fun and challenging for you, and push yourself to do them every day.
Start a new show
Whatever streaming service you use, maybe now’s the time to check and see what’s new. Check out a show or documentary you’ve been meaning to watch, and while away the time. Since being in an RV is the perfect time for adventure, you could try out a show you’d normally never be interested in to see what you think about it.
Take a turn at the wheel
If you’re bored and nothing seems to help, then maybe it’s time to give the driver a break. Say you’d like to drive so the driver can have some downtime, and then focus your attention on the task at hand so he or she can try out some of the items on this list!
No matter what you’re doing to stay entertained, you want the fun and entertainment to continue. That’s why you need the right RV insurance on your vehicle. Auto insurance with the RV Advisor is inexpensive, comprehensive, and highly competitive.