National Geographic Gets Gigi Stetler’s Take on the RV Vacation Explosion
If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us all, it’s how to go with the flow. Some people are adjusting better than others. Of course, some industries are adjusting better than others as well. In the world of travel, things have been pretty dicey. Airlines are losing billions; cruises and long-distance train travel have come to a grinding halt. Does that mean people aren’t going anywhere? Not exactly.
In a current National Geographic article called, Vacationing by RV This Summer? The RV Advisor’s, CEO and Founder, Gigi Stetler is quoted as saying, “People know it’s the only safe way to travel.” People are discovering and rediscovering RVing. It is certainly the most controllable environment when it comes to going anywhere for a visit. You decide who goes and who doesn’t, where to go, where to stop for a break and a fuel up, and what to bring along. In any public mode of transportation, you’re at the mercy of who is running things — a little risky these days. That’s why the RV biz is booming, even during the pandemic. Projections indicate it’s only up from here.
Stetler offers more sage advice. “Do business with your local dealer, because you’re going to need them for service work.” And Stetler should know. Not only is her RV Advisor one of the premier places to go to for member-driven and professional advice and support, but as one of the nation’s top RV dealers, she’s seen every crisis to come along.