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Testing Out the Water: Kayaking Tips for Beginners

Testing Out the Water: Kayaking Tips for Beginners

Time to get out on the water

What could be more blissful on a hot summer day than getting out on the water, away from the bustle of the shore, and enjoying the cool breeze and the sound of waves lapping against your kayak? Not only is it a great way to exercise; it also gives you the opportunity to fully explore the lake and relax alone or with someone you enjoy spending time with. The road is behind you, and ahead of you are only water and the potential for adventure! Before you head out in your kayak, be sure you read through our kayaking tips!

Don’t buy until you’re sure

Unless you’ve kayaked before and know you love it, don’t buy a kayak until you’ve tried it. All the equipment can cost a small fortune, and it would be a shame to make a large purchase like this for something you’re not going to enjoy, even if you think you will. There are places that allow you to rent a kayak for some time on the lake, and that’s honestly the best option. Like renting an RV before you take the plunge, you can get a realistic look at what kayaking is all about and make an informed decision from there.

Remember that your clothes matter

Everyone falls into the water at some point when they’re kayaking. While it may be a bright, sunny day and you don’t want to be encumbered by a bunch of extra clothing, extra clothing is what you should pack. Namely, you’ll want a wet suit and waterproof coverings. The water can get cold, and you don’t want wet clothing clinging to you when you’re kayaking and the wind is kicking up around you, dropping your body heat even more. If you know the waters and know that you won’t risk getting too cold if you fall in, you can opt for a simple swimsuit instead.

If you’re taking it with you, waterproof it

There are items that we want on us at all times. For most of us, our phones are an extension of our bodies. If you’re going to take items with you, plan for falling in – pack everything in waterproof cases or packs. You can attach these cases to your kayak, so they don’t float away and get lost if you tip over, but make sure to pack everything in them. If you’re taking clothes, food, or your wallet, pack them to keep them dry!

Find out what the weather is up to

You don’t want to get stuck on the water during or after a storm. While kayaks are good at keeping water out, they’re also good at keeping water in if you’re stuck in a downpour. Also, if it’s rained previously, the lake is going to be pretty rough and choppy, which will make accidents happen more easily and make it a lot harder on you trying to paddle.

Enjoy the trip, but not too much

What we mean by this is always stay alert. Rocks have a way of staying hidden just beneath the water’s surface. Animals can swim up out of the murky depths. While taking in the scenery is great for pacing yourself and enjoying the experience, too much enjoyment could leave your kayak – and you – damaged.

Go with the flow

Your kayak will sometimes feel like it has a mind of its own, like a car that hydroplanes or slides. Don’t fight the motion. Rather, to remain in control, adjust with your vessel and let it carry you. If you try to control every bit of motion, you’re going to end up in the water.

Employ the buddy system

Kayaking alone, especially when you’re just starting out, is never a good idea. So much can go wrong when you’re out on the water from which you may not be able to recover and from which your flotation devices can’t save you. When you kayak with another person, there’s always someone there to help you if you get in over your head.

Interested to see how kayaks can be transported? Check out how are making it easier. Do you want more beginner’s guides and tips? We have a whole library of them right on our blog! Head on over, and see what we can prepare you for while you’re out on your grand adventure!

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Testing Out the Water: Kayaking Tips for Beginners

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Testing Out the Water: Kayaking Tips for Beginners

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