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3 Ways to Find Peace in Your RV

3 Ways to Find Peace in Your RV

Family RV trips are full of fun and memories, but patience can start to wear thin if we don’t give ourselves enough personal space.

Whether you’re with your spouse, kids, or traveling with friends, living in an RV requires a certain level of closeness. In some cases, like late-night campfires and sharing the TV on frosty mornings, this close living fosters a comfortable sense of camaraderie.

On other days, though, you can feel cramped and desperate for some time alone. Before you know it, tempers are running high, and you may even be headed towards a meltdown over personal space issues.

The opportunity to escape our busy lives and explore the world around us can quickly fade into frustration if we aren’t respectful of each other’s boundaries.

Everyone needs a little bit of personal space

Start by thinking about ways you can find personal space inside your RV. There’s no denying that space is at a premium, and with several people sharing it, things can get a little dicey. Take some time to think about ways you and your family can delineate areas of personal space. Here are 3 ideas to get you started!

1. Keep sleeping spaces separate

Many RVs are set up with convertible sleeping spaces, such as a dining table and sofa. While this is a great use of space and allows you to sleep more people, you should set some ground rules. Namely, don’t keep those sleeping set-ups in place after you rise.

Have each member of the family be responsible for tidying up their sleeping area as soon as they get up.

You may be tempted to be a little too lenient on your family – after all, lazy mornings in the RV can be some of the best-shared memories! But, think twice before you relax the rules. Trying to cook or get ready while tripping over left-out pillows and mattresses is a recipe for irritation and bickering. Don’t let lazy mornings turn into afternoons crowded by excess bedding.

2. Shared spaces

Likewise, common areas should be treated with respect. Even family members who are not naturally neat and tidy can contribute to overall peace and comfort if they clean up their messes from shared spaces.

This is a common rule in brick and mortar homes, and it should be no different in an RV. Common areas must be kept clean and neat – this allows everyone to enjoy them. In the kitchen, this means washing your dishes immediately and wiping the floors and counter if things get sticky.

The bathroom is another shared space that needs some rules to keep things pleasant. Toiletries and clutter should be kept to a minimum – preferably carried with the user to and from the shower. Lengthy visits should be followed by closing the door and keeping the fan turned on. Wet towels should be carefully hung to dry outside, not thrown casually on the floor.

Designating a few rules for shared spaces will make all the difference in how comfortable you and your family are as a whole in your RV.

3. Create your own personal oasis

This may be a challenge, especially if your RV is small. Still, it’s important that each member of the family has their own personal space. Children and adults need their own private area to unwind, store their belongings and relax in when they need a break from adventure.

So, how do you carve out this space if you’re living in 300 square feet or less? You might have to get creative. One idea is to put magnetized strips or command hooks near each person’s sleeping quarters – so they can personalize their area and feel a sense of ownership over their little corner.

Another way is to set up areas outside the RV, such as hammocks or tree forts on your campsite. Kids will enjoy perching on a tree or resting in a hammock in the shade, while other members of the family relax inside. Having a personal, relaxing oasis gives each member of the family a way to rest on their own terms.

Proper boundaries give everyone a chance to enjoy the trip fully

It isn’t always easy to find privacy and personal space when traveling with friends and family, but by respecting common spaces, cleaning up sleeping quarters, and giving everyone a spot of their own, you can foster a sense of shared respect and comfort for all.

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3 Ways to Find Peace in Your RV

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3 Ways to Find Peace in Your RV

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