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How to Create a Travel Blog to Connect with Other RVers

How to Create a Travel Blog to Connect with Other RVers

The romance of travel has you in its grip, and you want to share it with the world!

With so much technology around us, it’s easier than ever to find friends in the RVing community. When you RV full time, it’s easy to keep in touch with friends back home and friends you make along the way.

Calling is a thing of the past, and you can send messages at any time of the day or night for your friends to answer when they have the time. We’re living in a world of connectivity, but sometimes it’s difficult to meet people at campsites or on online forums who mesh with us. When you create a travel blog, you draw people to you who share your thoughts and feelings, who like what you have to say, and who feel a connection to you. It’s a way of bringing people to you instead of searching them out. But how do you start?

What’s in a name?

The name really comes first, doesn’t it? It’s what you’ll use in your web address and how people will come to know you. If you were a business, your name would be your brand. In all actuality, you may not be a business, but you are a brand because you have your own personal way of saying things, of presenting information, and of interacting with people. You’ll want a name that fits your personality and makes a good impression on people. Do some research — see what a lot of people are using, and don’t use it. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of names that are all the same, so break away from the mold and dare to stand out.

When you’re creating a name for your blog, consider what type of content you’ll want to share. Are you going to write about the food at the different locations you visit? Are you going to write about traveling with kids? Are you going to review campsites you visit? Use the content you’re going to share to help you produce a name.

What’s the nitty gritty?

There’s back-end work to be done. Once you decide on a name, check to see if it’s available as a .com. While there are a lot of extensions out there, most people remember .com, and that’s what they default to. Also be sure your chosen name isn’t in use on social media sites, since you’ll want to create an online presence there as well.

Once all that’s done and you have the name you want, purchase your domain. Typically, you can buy a domain for a certain amount of time and allow the billing to renew every year or so. Hosting may be offered by the same place you bought the domain from, but this is where you should do a little research. Different companies will have different hosting products for you to choose from. Only you can tell which one is best for you.

Unless you want to use your personal email, we suggest setting up another email. You can do this from a variety of providers, but when you purchase hosting, it should come with a set amount of emails you can assign at any point in time.

What’s involved in design?

This is where it gets fun. If you don’t know much about website design, there are plenty of free templates on a lot of different platforms. Which platform you use to set up your website is up to you, but WordPress is super easy to use. If all this sounds like a headache to you, you can hire someone to do the design for you, and then it will be all set up for you to input blogs.

Travel blogging is a lot of fun, but if it sounds like something you don’t want to commit the time to, you can always post your stories and network with other RVers on our website. Submitting your story is easy, and it has the chance to be posted live on our website! Submit your travel story today, and start making friends.

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How to Create a Travel Blog to Connect with Other RVers

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How to Create a Travel Blog to Connect with Other RVers

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