School anywhere
So, you’ve decided to hit the RV life full time. First, let us congratulate you on your decision and all the experiences you’re about to have. But it may be time to put on the breaks. RVing full time comes with a lot of ups and downs, and learning new ways of doing things we’ve always taken for granted, like where will your kids go to school?
It’s called roadschooling – homeschooling your kids while on the road – and many parents do it. It’s legal, and it provides the flexibility you need in your life on the road.
Plan ahead
There are different homeschooling programs out there, and it’s your job to find one that works for you, how your children learn, and your new lifestyle. If you have kids before making the switch to RV-ing full time, you’re going to want to plan their schooling in advance.
Your home state
No matter what states you cross into, there’s only one you need to be concerned with on how you roadschool, and that’s the state you call home. Learn what you need to do to homeschool your kids, what’s required, and what courses are available. Some states require only a letter stating that you’re homeschooling, while others require more forms to be filled out and lesson plans to be submitted.
Make space
As with all activities in your RV, space is going to be an issue. The great thing about homeschooling now is the ability to do it online. Textbooks can be bought and studied on an eReader, and assignments are done on laptops instead of loose paper and notebooks. When you do have to purchase physical books, they can be donated when they’re no longer in use.
Scheduling and classrooms
Even when homeschooling at home, parents get to decide when their children learn. It doesn’t have to happen bright and early, and it doesn’t have to happen all at once. Being on the road also gives you a unique opportunity to switch up the classroom. You can learn in the park, at the picnic table, or even in a library. The choice is yours to make it fun and exciting.
Make it part of your journey
There’s so much to see while on the road, and you can weave that into your curriculum. If you’re teaching your children about history, why not show them some of the sites where history happened?
RV-ing gives you the unique benefit to make learning interactive while having fun. It doesn’t all have to be about sitting at the table for hours, reading about what happened, or how rocks form when you can show them examples of nature’s unyielding rhythms.
Socializing is key
A lot of homeschooling parents agree: it’s hard to socialize your child when you’re homeschooling. It’s important that you take this into account. As it is, RVing full time with children is already tough for socializing, but there’s an advantage here. Homeschool kids often come with a bit of stigma, granted as the years pass that stigma is fading. Traveling in an RV puts all kids on even ground. They don’t know each other, so there’s no bias against their upbringing. In fact, other RV kids are likely in the same boat as your children, learning on the road.
As with all things when RVing, roadschooling could change from daily. You never know what you’re going to find around the next corner, or what experiences await you across the next hill. Roadschooling is great for learning and bonding in a way parents and children don’t typically get when they’re living in a regular home. There are plenty of parks, sites, and recreation centers filled with knowledge. With a membership through RV Advisor, you can get discounts to help you with your learning destinations!
One Response
We are currently on the road with our 15yo and 7yo. The older girl attends an online school from our home state, and we homeschool the younger one. Internet connectivity has been an issue, preventing us from taking our time in a few more “remote” locations. But all in all…..a “can do” experience.